Club Rules

General rules reviewed & Authorised by LAC Committee Jan’ 2018. Previous rule sheets are invalid.
  1. The name of the club is Lonsdale Angling Club, hereafter the club.
  2. The object of the club shall be to provide angling for it’s members and for that purpose the committee shall buy or lease waters, control these waters & stock as deemed necessary.
  3. Membership is open to all within the Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham & Carnforth Area’s. Membership from outside these areas will be controlled at the discretion of the committee and will only be Associate membership. Associate members will not be eligible to vote or hold any club post (committee/official).
  4. Applications for membership renewal or new membership must be in writing to the membership secretary & accompanied by a S.A.E.
  5. Membership shall run from March 1st until the last day of February. Renewal to be accompanied by existing membership & before the last day of April, Any renewals after this date will be treated as a new member and will incur a joining fee and be added to any waiting list at that time. A current permit is always required to fish any Lonsdale water’s.
  6. Election of Club Officials & Committee shall take place at the AGM. Date of the AGM to be publicised. Officials & Committee members will be elected for a term of 3 years; Election will be on Rota basis 1/3. To be eligible for committee election, full membership must have been held for 3 yrs & club officials to serve a minimum of 2yr’s as a committee member before election.
  7. The committee to meet on the first Tuesday of every month @ 8pm.
  8. The committee may introduce rules/regulations as deemed necessary.
  9. Members may be suspended or expelled for a breach of the club rules, after a disciplinary hearing and on a majority committee decision. All club members have the right to attend any hearing and offer any information they feel relevant.
  10. The Trustees of the Club shall be the three elected officials, Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer. The period of office shall be 3years in accordance with the terms of election as stated in Rule 6.
  11. Membership Card entitles the member to fish with two rod’s, unless a third rod permit has been purchased & issued at the time of renewal or application for membership. All members must have the relevant EA Rod Licence’s.
  12. Members must show their membership & EA licence when requested by a bailiff or club member. Members must be in possession of their permit on club waters or they will be asked to leave.
  13. Any Club member(s) illegally stocking fish into club waters will be expelled & reported to the EA.
  14. Member transferring or allowing another person to use their membership will be expelled from the club.
  15. Bailiffs, landowners, club officials or their agents must be treated with respect.
  16. Members making false accusations against any other member(s) or bringing officials, committee or other members into contempt, may be expelled from the club.
  17. Each senior member is allowed 2 visitors permits a year (a limit of 2 visitor on any one day). These permits are available in writing from the secretary in advance, full details of the visitor will be required, also date & venue. Please enclose S.A.E. The club member shall accompany the visitor at all times.
  18. Notice of motions for the AGM must be in writing (proposed & seconded by full members) two months before the AGM (this includes committee membership proposals) & forwarded to the secretary.
  19. The club authorises its officials to borrow monies from the clubs bankers for the purchase or improvement of suitable land & waters (fisheries).
  20. Club members must be in possession of a current and valid club membership card to be allowed to vote at AGMs and EGMs.
  21. Non fishing visitors are only allowed on Lonsdale A C waters during the hours of daylight. One visitor permit per member, the member is responsible for the conduct of any visitor. This visitor permit does not allow the holder the same rights as a full member, but any visitor must adhere to club rules.

Club Officers and Committee:
President – M. James
Chairman - G. Roberts
Secretary – N Townson.
Treasurer & Membership Secretary – G. Parkinson. 30 Chequers Ave, Lancaster, LA1 4HZ;
Committee – C. Smith, C. Morris, S. Jackson, A. Billington, K. Carr, D. Butler,
D. Mason, N Billington, A. Edwards.

Fishery Rules reviewed and authorised By LAC Committee Feb’ 2017, all previous Rule sheets are now invalid
1. No Dogs Allowed, no member to use or be in possession of a firearm on club waters or property without written permission of the committee.
2. All keepnets used must comply with EA specifications
  1. Members must not damage bank side vegetation, trees fences or any club or farm property.
  2. Remote controlled boats are not permitted.
  3. Litter offenders will be expelled, if there is litter in your peg area (before, during & after fishing); it is deemed to be your litter. Litter must not be left anywhere on club or farm property.
  4. No coarse fish either dead or alive may be removed from any club water without written permission of the committee.
  5. Lonsdale A.C. will not be responsible for loss or damage to property or vehicle(s) whilst on or at club waters.
  6. Baited tackle must not be left unattended, unattended is defined for this purpose as no more than 10 metres either side of baited tackle. Non-members cannot be in control of any fishing tackle on club waters.
  7. Fishing swims may not be reserved, except for matches.
  8. Fires are not allowed.
  9. Boats are not allowed.
  10. Camping is not permitted; bivies must not obstruct the footpath.
  11. The use of nightlights other than battery-powered torches is prohibited.
  12. Radios or Audio/Visual equipment of any type must not be used in such a manner as to cause offence to any other angler or landowner.
  13. Parking of vehicles is only allowed where indicated (location of waters section).
  14. The close season on club sections of rivers is as directed by the EA. There is no close season for Bailrigg, Swantly or Upper Swantly.
  15. Peanuts & Tiger nuts are banned on all Lonsdale waters, club bailiffs have the right to examine all tackle carriers, bags & bait containers.
  16. Anglers under the age of 10 yrs, may fish without a permit, but must be accompanied by a senior member & fish the same swim.
  17. Any angler fishing specifically for Carp & Catfish must be in possession of an unhooking mat and a suitably sized specimen landing net whilst fishing.
  18. Junior Members may not fish during the hour’s of darkness unless accompanied, supervised and under the responsibility of an Adult Club Member, In definition this means, one junior member to be accompanied by one senior member only, the junior member must be fishing either the same or directly adjacent swim.
  19. Any member fishing overnight must be in the same swim as his/her rods; bivvy share in an adjacent swim is not permitted.
22. That there will be no Tents or Bivies allowed on the Lonsdale Water, known as Upper Swantley.
23. All members are to respect fellow member’s rights of privacy, Fishing area and Noise level, either verbal or otherwise.
Any member found in breach of these Conditions will be brought before the committee and dealt with as required,
Even to expulsion.
24. Members can only carry out any repair or maintenance on Lonsdale Waters with Prior written consent of the comm’.
25. Carp to be retained for no longer than 45mins after capture in a purpose designed carp retention system.
26. The Committee have the authority to close some swims when carp are spawning to protect vulnerable fish.

SWANTLEY LAKE: Carp, Tench, Roach, Rudd, Perch, Orfe & Gudgeon.
Parking on the roadside during darkness the POLICE require you to use the vehicles parking lights.
Go through Nether Kellet on the road to Over Kellet. Coming out of Nether Kellet take the 2nd road on the right, signposted Kirby Lonsdale. The lake is 500m on the right; parking is on the lakeside of the road or just inside the field. Cars must not be taken down to the lake. Please ensure you close and secure the gate.

BAILRIGG LAKE: Tench, Carp, Roach, Rudd, Perch, Catfish, Orfe & Eel.
Parking on the roadside during darkness the POLICE require you to use the vehicles parking lights.
At the roundabout on the A6 in South Lancaster, take the exit towards St. Martins College. Follow the road up the hill through Bowerham, down the hill and turn left at the fork at the church. Follow this road over the M6; the lake is on the right by the gas sub station. Please park on the opposite side of the road to this sub station. Do not park within 10m of the chicken farm entrance and do not park in the gas sub station entrance or Blea Tarn Farm track. Access is on foot down the farm track only. No VEHICLES at all to be taken down the farm track. Please close the small gate at the lake.

UPPER SWANTLEY: Roach, Rudd, Perch & Carp.
Parking on the roadside during darkness the POLICE require you to use the vehicles parking lights.
Follow directions for Swantley Lake, however take the first road on the right go past the quarry and take the first left turn down a small lane, which goes to both Intack farm and The British Gas pumping station. Further up the hill on this lane the pond can be found on the left hand side. There is a lay-by on the right for parking. Please ensure you close the gate. NO BIVVIES OR TENTS ALLOWED.

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